A snapshot of your entire timeline to reach your goal.
Project your financial future
Empower your journey to financial independence.
What will my networth be in 5 - 10 years?
ReachFI lets you project your net worth and liquid net worth 5, 10, or even 20 years from now. Visualize how your assets will grow, plan for big purchases, and ensure your financial goals stay on track.
When can I be debt free?
Keep track of your debts and expenses, create a simple plan to pay them off, and see how long it will take to become debt-free.
How much house should I buy?
See how major financial decisions—like buying a house, car, or changing jobs—affect your long-term goals. Adjust your income, purchases, and expenses to visualize how each choice shapes your financial future.
Furture Taxes
How much will I owe in taxes as my income or withdrawals increase?
Forget spreadsheets — we handle tax projections for you, ensuring a clear financial picture without the hassle.
Can I retire early?
Use Monte Carlo simulations to see the odds of hitting your early retirement goals by testing thousands of possible financial outcomes. It helps you understand how your choices today can affect your future, so you can adjust for a smoother path to retiring sooner.
Financial Plan
Creating a financial plan has never been easier
Lifestyle Goals
Experiment with your expenses to suit your lifestyle
Experiment with your expenses to find the balance that suits your lifestyle, while still keeping your financial goals on track. By adjusting different costs, like travel, dining, or housing, you can tailor your spending to maximize both your current comfort and future savings.
Detailed Expense Tracking
Vary expenes for each stage of life.
Expenses can be modified to suit every stage of life. From adjusting for early career budgets to expanding for family growth, or scaling back for retirement, users can adapt their expenses dynamically.
Visualize your financial trajectory
Get a view of your financial future with our projection tool. See how your income, expenses, and savings choices today will impact your net worth and financial stability in 5, 10, or more years. Make informed decisions now to reach your long-term goals with confidence.
Networth Tracker
Track your networth using ReachFI
Track your net worth over time to see how your financial decisions impact your overall wealth. By monitoring your assets, debts, and investments, you can make informed choices to grow your net worth and reach your financial goals faster.